Early Brews,
Early Votes

Coffee sleeves and cafe signage to encourage early voting at campus voting hubs

Designed for Bert’s Cafe, a busy cafe located inside the Undergraduate Library at the University of Michigan, Early Brews, Early Votes is a campaign that points students to the campus voting hubs during the early voting period, encouraging them to vote early instead of waiting until Election Day.

This project was adapted and implemented for the Fall 2024 Election across all 15 cafes and dining halls on campus in collaboration with the University of Michigan Creative Campus Voting Project, UMICH Votes Coalition, and the U-M Dining Department.

Coffee Sleeves: Info To-Go

For students making a quick stop at any cafe on campus, the coffee sleeves gave them all the information they need to-go: a call to action to head to the voting hubs early with a QR code to the official UMich voting website.

The Full Campaign Proposal

Alongside the coffee sleeves and fliers that made it into all the cafes on campus, my original proposal featured a larger-scale project in one cafe, working with the layout and architecture of the Undergraduate Library to capture the attention of many freshmen and first-time voters.

Column Decal

This column at the condiment counter at Bert's serves as a prominent early voting encouragement with a QR code large enough to be scanned by students waiting in line.

Mini Posters

Students can find details on the convenience of early voting from these posters placed on the condiment counter, easily accessible while stirring coffee or passing by the elevators in the library.

Info Cards

Placed at the cafe-adjacent study spaces, these info cards provide students with a map to the nearest voting hub, which they can take with them as they leave the library.

  • Stickers

  • Pins


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